Below is an excerpt from ‘Discover Your Inner Strength’, which I wrote with Stephen Covey, Ken Blanchard and Brian Tracy. This is an example of how you can use the 5 Whys to discover your core purpose, but you could use the the same tool to discover just about anything: Excerpt The activity is designed […]
Tag Archives | activity
Wild Woosey
Wild Woosey is designed to help the group work dependently with a partner and trust one another completely. In order to achieve the goal of the activity, you both must cross the deep ‘V’ while maintaining contact your partner. Seems easy! It is absolutely not. To access this post, you must purchase Monthly Membership, Yearly […]
Trust Walk Instruction Page
Participants walk through a course blindfolded and lead by a partner. This is one of the most powerful and, ironically, one of the simplest events we offer. The Trust Walk is about leading, following and communication. Many leadership styles emerge during this event. Some find it difficult to be responsible for another person’s safety and […]
Mohawk Walk Instruction Page
Walk across a series of planks as a group without falling off. This is a great physical activity to challenge participants. Leadership, trust and problem solving are all outcomes from this activity. To access this post, you must purchase Monthly Membership, Yearly Membership, Lifetime Membership or 30 Days Membership.
Board Room Instruction Page
Each group member to change the board they are standing on, so that they are not standing on a board with any original board members. This activity will highlight the need for leadership, communication and interdependence. To access this post, you must purchase Monthly Membership, Yearly Membership, Lifetime Membership or 30 Days Membership.
All Aboard Instruction Page
All group members are to stand on the platform long enough to count to 10. Begin with the largest version of the platform and move to the smallest. This is a group activity that involves increasing trust through proximity, dealing with dwindling / limiting resources and problem solving. Like many activities, this has typical communication […]
Hole in Space Instruction Page
Move the entire group through the center hole in the web, the ‘Hole in Space’ as quickly as possible. This is a fine event for demonstrating to a group that they can improve their efficiency performance by discussing previous attempts and by working together as a team. Decrease in performance time can be dramatic. To […]
Horizontal Web Instruction Page
For the entire group to travel from one side of the web to the other. Teamwork and communication is essential for overall success. Once you begin to go through the web, you ‘lose all perspective’ and must be coached and helped to get through. To access this post, you must purchase Monthly Membership, Yearly Membership, […]
Electric Fence Instruction Page
The objective of this exercise is to get the entire group from one side of the ‘fence’ to the other. Ask the participants to imagine that this is an electric fence with a force field from the top of the fence to the ground and stretches on forever in either direction. To access this post, […]
Trolley Journey Instruction Page
A team uses trolleys to make its way from point A to point B gathering instructional notes as they travel. To access this post, you must purchase Monthly Membership, Yearly Membership, Lifetime Membership or 30 Days Membership.