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TeamwoRx is a prescriptive and proven system
to help build your team to be
more agile
more resilient
no matter where they sit.

Bring Your Distributed Team Together

Challenge your team to take one step beyond normal and get out of their shell.  No team is able to achieve true performance hiding inside their protective shell.  Trusting, being truly vulnerable, taking risks and pushing one another to greater achievements are all hallmarks of a team ‘Outside Your Shell’.


Data-driven system to analyze individual, team, division or even company behavior and take the mystery out of your people’s behavior, helping you make GREAT decisions easy.

Team Workouts

Consistent content provided to you to help your team become more agile and resilient.  To achieve performance, you must work out.


Fully supported by a Be Legendary expert to help you at every step, from understanding how to use the data to running exactly the right workout and as much ad hoc coaching as necessary to take your team to the next level.

Thousands of Clients Can't Be Wrong!

The companies that thrive today are those with the courage to challenge the status quo.

Here are a few of the recent and current clients:


TeamwoRx – a prescriptive system for building your team

A blend of DIY and DFY – you stay in the leadership role and we support you behind the scenes.

This step-by-step initiative will get your team in alignment, help everyone be more agile and resilient while launching you forward to ‘impossible’ results.

Leverage a scientific, data-driven platform with high-touch Be Legendary team activities and a fast feedback loop will take your REMOTE team to the next level of success.

And we help you at every step of the way to make it as easy as possible.  There is NOTHING to learn and you just follow the process.

We also support you as an ad-hoc coach when you need the help.

There is nothing more we could do for you except do it ourselves!


Why This?

Being a great leader and building an incredible team is the single greatest opportunity touse business as a force for good.

Working for an inspiring leader, working with a great team, feeling supported even during your failures.

You alone, as their leader, can create this for your people.

You, as a leader, have the opportunity to be legendary by creating an amazing workplace.

We simply give you everything you need to make it easier, simpler and more fun.

There are three key elements:
1.  Predictive People Analytics
2.  Consistent Workouts
3.  Evaluate and Plan each Month

Why Now?

Never let a good crisis go to waste“, Winston Churchill

The recent pandemic has created crystal clarity in leadership for all to see – it is NOT geographically based.  Yes, we *knew* this before but now we can actually SEE what happens when leaders use geography as a crutch for leadership.

NOW is the perfect time to get started.  Never before has your team needed to have a sense of belonging, of working toward a higher purpose and a sense that they are a part of something, no matter where they sit.

BOTTOM LINE – your people need you.  Right now.  Meaning, today, as you read this.


Step 1


Information is important for a leader.  Analytical data is even better.  Scientific data to inform you about the behavior of your people, to coach them in exactly the best way and to shape your team is a bit of a holy grail.  Like the movie Moneyball but for your team.  This is not fiction, its reality.

A data analytics platform will help your leaders continually predict and enhance their people and teams, hire EXACTLY the right person (internally or externally) and MUCH more.  This data-driven system helps you make good decisions about your people to grow them in exactly the right way to create the team you want.

Learning for you is minimal as we do all the heavy lifting.  You will learn the platform as you go,  to the degree that you want and we help you as much or as little as you like.


To become a team, you must practice as a team.

To become stronger physically, you must work out.

To be more agile and resident, you must also work out.  But differently – mental, emotional and spiritual (values, not religion) workouts.

When you work out as a team,  you grow and become stronger as a team.

Workouts must be:

  1. Challenging – if it isn’t hard, you are NOT working out!
  2. Consistent – you cannot run once a year and expect to compete well in a race.

We provide you high-touch tailored content for you to deliver to your team on a continual basis (typically monthly) to become stronger in EXACTLY the way the team needs to reach high-performance.  This content – trust, conflict, creativity – is driven by what your team needs MOST, right now.

Each workout comes with a Leader’s Guide, a PowerPoint presentation (usually) and, of course, as much guidance as you need from your Be Legendary Coach so you feel confident.

Step 2
Step 3


Your Be Legendary Coach is with you at EVERY step to help you evaluate your team on a monthly basis.

We work with you to tailor the next workout to ensure you are working out exactly the right team ‘muscle’ as well as address any individual team member challenges and provide relationship reports.

This consistent feedback loop will keep your team on the right track and performing as high as possible all the time.


Our goal is to make this as easy and turn-key for you as possible.  You have many other things to worry about!

You get:

  1. Yearly access to the People Analytics platform.  But we do ALL the heavy lifting to help provide you with the insights.  You learn only as much as you want
  2. Team Workouts to run with your team virtually or in-person (when that comes back) which includes ALL materials you need and coaching to help you feel confident in running the workout.
  3. Dedicated Be Legendary Expert to meet with you on a consistent basis, provide guidance with the workouts and help you as much as you need with the People Analytics platform.

We could not do any more to help you unless we were delivering in front of your team (which is an option).


Great question but framed incorrectly.

Value is what you want and what you need.
Cost – what you get = Value

Honestly, we cannot possibly convey ‘what you get’  on this screen.  So, any cost would skew the equation above.  That doesn’t mean it is cheap or even inexpensive.  What it means is the ROI is off the charts for the right team.  Let’s have a conversation – NOT a sales pitch – and make sure the Value is in the ‘no-brainer’ category for you, even in this era of pandemic craziness.

Examples where TeamwoRx enters the ‘no-brainer’ category – where the value so far exceeds the cost, you MUST use TeamwoRx:

  • You are hiring a new person, the analytics will help you find EXACTLY the right person for your current team.
  • You are in danger of losing someone, TeamwoRx will likely keep them from leaving unless it is mutually beneficial.
  • Your team has a payroll of $500,000 or more.
  • A new team is forming, even if temporary.
  • Restructuring in ANY way that will move people from team to team.


You’re spending time, money and energy measuring the critical areas of your business – sales, operations, marketing, finances – so why not your most critical resource?

The best business strategy in the world fails without people to execute it and create results.

TeamwoRx will put your people system in place so you can finally measure, predict and enhance your most valuable asset.  Just like the other critical areas of your business.

Get started today.

Contact us to learn more about TeamwoRx!