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Archive | Q & A

Activity for Group of 20 and Problem Solving

Question: I have a group of 20 and I need an activity for problem solving. Answer: Unfortunately, I need just a little more information to be able to direct you well in this area.  There can be a number of challenges under the umbrella of ‘problem solving: Is this a group or individual problem? If […]

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Activity Involving Sacrifice

Question from Allen: I have a group of 40 and about 30 minutes.  I need an activity to get across the idea of sacrifice. So any game where the main strategy to win or succeed involves sacrifice. Answer: This might be worth a conversation as it really depends upon what kind of sacrifice you are […]

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Employee Engagement Starts with Team Building? Actually, no, No NO!

Question: Can you look through the power point presentation we have put together to justify a team building program we are trying to initiate? Answer: I looked through the power point presentations and it appears you are attempting to use team building to increase employee engagement.  Is that right? Using team building as your tool […]

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