Here is what one person emailed me after I sent an email titled ‘Hysterical Team Video – how teams truly behave’: “I have reviewed the video. I would like to draw your attention to using this video which exploits animals. Please notice the bull has a strap that irritates him (the same is done with […]
Archive | Good Teambuilding
Activity to Collect, Rate and Assess Topics
Here is a recent request from a person on our website looking for the right tool to collect, rate and assess problems: “James, in a nutshell, we know some issues exist and we know some have not yet been identified. Essentially, if everyone came prepared to discuss their perception of what issues exist, and we […]
5 Ways to Ensure Your Team Building Will Suck
By James Carter There are many reasons why a team building activity will fail. Meaning it sucked. Let’s be honest, there are many that are really terrible. We have run a few of them ourselves that utterly failed. It is embarrassing to admit and it is almost always because we committed one of the 5 […]
How to Pick a Team Building Activity
Running a new activity can be terrifying. We know as we are trying new activities all the time and sometimes they don’t work the way I thought they would. DO NOT FEAR! We are here to help you pick and execute the perfect activity for your group that is guaranteed to be awesome. Selecting an […]