For a SUPER simple method, and perfect for beginners, check out the ‘What’ Method. The questioning strategy could not be more simple: What? So What? Now What? What? Get full description and discussion around the experience. “What happened during the activity? “ “What did you / the group do?” “What were your reactions?” So What? […]
Archive | Asking Questions
Why ask questions as a facilitator?
This may seem like a no-brainer, but I want to take nothing for granted! There are two core skills that will help you become an effective facilitator, in ANY setting. First, be a good active listener and observer. Next become skilled in the art of asking the right questions in the right way at the […]
What is probing? Probing is asking follow-up questions in order to gain more understanding, such as: Can you explain further? Could you put it in another way? Can you please tell me more about that? But why, how, who, when, where? Anything else? Probing is rather like peeling away the layers of an onion […]
How to ask GREAT Facilitation Questions
Questions During the Debrief The debrief is the most difficult aspect for non-facilitators because it feels SCARY! Look at FIMAGE and honestly assess yourself. But in truth, the debrief is the best part of the activity and what leads to a learning opportunity versus playing a silly game. Below is some basic information about […]